Examiner Club Talks,
1860s – now

From 1863 to the present, the range of topics discussed at Examiner Club meetings has been expansive and reflects the deep interests and concerns of members in their times.


2014-the present

  • 9/6/2023: Nancy Gertner, “Prosecuting a President.” 

    10/18/2023: Jim Stone, “Accelerating Wealth Inequality: Why It Matters.”  

    11/15/2023: Stephen Flynn, “Strategies for Preventing, Countering, and Responding to Nuclear WMD Terrorism.”  

    12/20/23: Andrea Leers, “New Wood: How an old material became a 21st century technology?” 

    1/24/2024: Kevin Gallagher, “And Yet it Moves:  Poetry, Science, and Greed.”

    2/28/2024: Lee Pelton, “Health Equity and The Importance of Zip Codes.”

    3/27/2024: Ellen Hume, “Lost and Found: Coming of Age in the Washington Press Corps.”

    4/24/2024: Tom Kelly, “Performance Now and Then.”

    5/22/2024: Deborah Weisgall.  “The Fact/Fiction Gene, or Deborah, Don’t You Remember?”

  • 10/19/22 Stephen Pinker, “Rationality: What It Is, Why It Seems Scarce, Why It Matters”

    11/16/22 Andrew Knoll, “Mass Extinction”

    12/21/22 Ned Friedman, “Why are so many trees in eastern North America so closely related to the trees of eastern Asia?”

    1/18/23 Kristo Kondakçi, “The Gestures of Persecution and Redemption Through Music”

    2/16/23 Christine Kondoleon, “A walk through the Twombly show tour that is embedded in the reinstallation of the Greek, Roman and Byzantine galleries at the MFA”

    3/15/23 Renée Loth, “Black and white and in the red all over: The crisis in local news.”

    5/17/23 Bonnie Costello, “Martha Graham’s Appalachian Spring and Ours.”

  • 9/29/21 James Carroll, “The Catholic Church and the new Pope”
    10/27/21 Derrick Jackson, “Climate Canaries: Brutal Seabird Summer in New England”
    11/17/21 General discussion, moderated by Lisa Lynch, on the current economic and political situation
    12/15/21 Ranganath Nayak, “Creativity and Innovation”
    1/19/22 Admin meeting
    1/26/22 Sherry Turkle, “The Empathy Diaries,” a conversation between Sherry Turkle and Deborah Stone
    2/23/22 Peter Vanderwarker, "Reimagining Cities" 
    3/23/22 Donald Shambroom, “Maeve Stays Up Too Late: Paintings from a Decade”
    4/27/22 Chuck Collins, “How to Hide a Billion Dollars: Oligarchs, Kleptocrats and their Enablers”
    5/25/22 Robert Kuttner, “Going Big: FDR’s Legacy, Biden’s New Deal, and the Struggle to Save Democracy”

  • 10/14/20 Nancy Gertner, “The Law and Structural Racism, and the Court’s Role in a Possible Contested Election”
    11/18/20 Guest Speaker Randall Kennedy, “The Courts, the Constitution, and a Contested Election”
    12/16/20 Susan Linn, “Being White and Creating Anti-Racism Materials for Children”
    1/20/21 Lee Pelton, “The likelihood of the courts colluding in a stolen election, and the prospects for racial progress in America”
    2/24/21 Bob Weinberg, “Immunization and COVID”
    3/24/21 Tim Phillips, “Healing in a Divided America”
    4/28/ 21 Lisa Lynch, “The Research University Post-COVID”
    5/26/21 Tom Kelly, “Vienna in 1824: The Premiere of Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony”

  • 9/18/19 Bob Kuttner, “The State of American Democracy”
    10/16/19 Deborah Stone, “The Art of Counting, How We Count, and Why It Matters”
    11/20/19 Lisa Lynch, “Art and Social Justice,” a field trip to the Rose Art Museum at Brandeis
    12/18/19 Douglas Woodlock, “A Tour of the Adams Courthouse,” a field trip and discussion afterwards with Renee Loth and Andrea Leers
    1/15/20 Nonnie Burnes, “Reproductive Rights in the US: Can We Talk About It?”
    2/19/20 Renee Landers, “The Challenges of Using Medicare as the Basis for Comprehensive Health Reform”
    4/1/20 Judith Vecchione, “Blood Sugar Rising, a Sneak Peek”
    4/6/20 Dennis Carroll, “Understanding Covid-19”
    4/15/20 Marcia Angell, “Medicare for All”
    5/15/20 Ned Friedman, “Life in the Anthropocene and Genomicene: Where are the organisms and why does it matter?”

  • 9/12/18 Nancy Gertner, "#Me too, Sexual Misconduct and Due Process"
    10/17/18 Juan Mandelbaum, “My Ancestors”
    11/14/18 Chuck Collins, “The Hidden Wealth Fueling Boston’s Luxury Real Estate Boom”
    12/19/18 Kevin Gallagher, “History, Poetry, and the Assault on Race and Reason”
    2/20/19 Jabari Asim, “The Elements of Strut, Black Bodies in Public Spaces”
    3/20/19 Deborah Weisgall, “Elizabeth Bishop”
    4/17/19 Penelope Jencks, “Sculptures for Tanglewood, 1994-2019”
    5/15/19 Ned Friedman, “Plant Obsessions in the Arnold Arboretum,” after a tour of the Arboretum

  • 10/18/17 Sherry Turkle, “Reclaiming Conversation”
    11/15/17 Douglas Woodlock, “I Quit, You’re Fired: Career Paths of Disaffected Public Officials”
    12/13/17  Andrew Knoll, “Decoding the Deep History of Earth and Life”
    2/21/18  Derrick Jackson, “Puffins, The Next Climate Canary”
    3/21/18   Snowed Out
    4/18/18   Susan Lynn “Children, Technology and Capitalism”

  • 9/21/16  Judith Wechsler, “Aby Warburg: Metamorphosis and Memory”
    10/19/16 Robert Kuttner, “Race, Class, and the Rise of Trump”
    11/16/16  Peter Vanderwarker, “Interpreting City Building”
    12/14/16  Ellen Hume, “After the Panama Papers: What’s Next for Global Muckrakers?”
    1/17/17  Sara Stackhouse, “Art Matters”
    2/15/17   Jim Carroll, “Our Bigotry: Religion, Atheism, and the Corrupted Conscience of the West”
    3/15/17   Richard Weissbourd, “How Can We Better Prepare Young People for Caring, Self-Respecting Romantic Love?”
    4/19/17   Stephen Pinker, “The Sense of Style: Writing in the 21st Century,” after a tour of the Arboretum with Ned Friedman

  • 9/16/15 Richard Parker, “The Greek Crisis – and Why It Continues”
    10/21/15 Juan Mandelbaum, “A Search for the Disappeared in Argentina, An Unexpected Journey”
    11/18/15 Marcia Angell, “Death in America”
    12/15/15 Mark Ramseyer, “What Suing in Japan Tells Us About Culture”
    1/20/16 Renée Loth, “The Once and Future Boston”
    2/17/16 Owen Gingerich, “F for Forgery, G for Galileo: Science and Fraud”
    3/16/16 Marion Dry, “Erda and Madeleine Albright: The Urge to Change the World”
    4/20/16 Eric Lander, “Secrets of the Human Genome: The 35 Year Journey of Genomic Medicine”

  • 9/17/14   Bob Weinberg, “Cancer: A disease of aging and what this portends for our future”
    10/15/14  Christopher Lydon, “The Last Newspaper Guy Meets the First Podcaster: Reflections of the News in our Times,” in conversation with his colleague James Maxwell Larkin    
    11/19/14  Stephen E. Flynn, “The New Resilience Imperative: Lessons Learned from the Ebola Outbreak, Hurricane Sandy and Other Recent Disasters
    12/17/14  Thomas Kelly, “Recording Music: The Invention of Notation” 
    1/21/15   Samuel Plimpton, “Trust Me, You’re as Safe with Me as in Your Mother’s Arms — A brief inquiry into the Dark World of Distressed Real Estate Investing”
    2/18/15  Richard Parker, “When Will There Be Justice in Athens?”
    3/18/15  Christine Kondoleon, “Art, Poetry and Performance in Ancient Greece:  Three new Greek galleries at the MFA Boston”
    4/16/15  Ned Friedman, “Why not Wallace? The case for Darwin’s place in history”


  • 9/18/14   No Speaker, Administrative Meeting
    10/16/13  Alfred Ajami, “The Adventures of Alizarin Goldflake: Art in Virtual Reality”         
    11/20/13  Chuck Collins, “Observations about the Movement to Divest from the Fossil Fuel Sector & Invest in the New Economy”
    12/18/13  Jerold Kayden, “Water is Our Enemy, Water is Our  Friend: Lessons from the Netherlands”
    1/15/14  Deborah Weisgall, “Popcorn at the Opera: a Divertissement in One Short Act”
    2/19/14  Andrea Leers, “What Matters for Sustainable Design Now”
    3/19/14  Jill Ker Conway, “Redesigning Poverty”
    4/16/14  Sanjay Sarma, Reinventing Education: the Case For Digital Universities”                      

  • 09/19/12 Judith Wechsler, “Nahum Glatzer and the German-Jewish Tradition”   
    10/24/12  John Durant,“A New Age of Wonder?  Science and spirituality in Secular Culture”
    11/28/12  Bryan Hehir, “Politics and Ethics of Nuclear Proliferation”
    12/19/12  Nonnie Burnes, “South Georgia Island, A Tiny Island with Outsized Impact on the World Stage
    1/23/13  Ranganath Nayak, “The Road Not Taken: The Examiner Club at 150”
    2/27/13  Lisa Lynch, “When the Angel in the House Takes Flight:  Can She Have it All?
    3/27/13  Tim Phillips, “The Project in Justice in Times of Transition: Putting Experience to work for Peace and Reconciliation
    4/24/13  James Carroll, “From Bonhoeffer to Bergoglio: Religion after the Holocaust”
    5/21/13  Robert Campbell and Peter Vanderwarker, “Boston: 1863”          

  • 9/21/11   Robert Kuttner, “When Economic Crisis Meets Political Deadlock” 
    10/19/11 Jim Stone, “Lessons From The 2008 Crash”
    11/16/11   Deborah Weisgall, “To Hell with Mr. Darcy: Louisa May Alcott’s Real Intentions”
    12/14/11  Christine Kondoleon, “Aphrodite and the Gods of Love”
    1/18/12   Susan Linn, “Does the Corporate Takeover of Children’s Play Presage the End of The Examiner Club?  Or is it just Susan’s imagination?”
    02/15/12  Donald Shambroom, “Painting the Language of Flowers”
    3/21/12    Deborah Stone, “Building Democracy in Nepal”
    4/18/12  Steven Pinker, “The Better Angels of our Nature: Why Violence Has Declined.”      

  • 9/22/10  Owen Gingerich, “Miracle on the Warsaw Express” -or- “How I Got Invited to Copernicus’ Funeral”
    10/20/10   Marcia Angell, “The Cost of Health Reform”
    11/17/10    Renée Loth, “Aqua Buddha and Taliban Dan: Highlights and Low Points of The 2010 Campaign”
    12/15/10   Jill Ker Conway, “A Feminist View on Solving Global Labor Practice Issues With A Troublesome Question About The Nature of Success”
    1/19/11   Tod Machover , “Transforming Music: From Guitar Hero To Robotic Opera and Beyond”
    2/16/11   Rosemary Lloyd, “It Will Be Otherwise: Compassion, Presence, and Hope at the End of Life”
    3/16/11    Douglas Woodlock, “Liberated By Restraints; Enslaved By Metaphor: What Does A Trial Judge Imagine He’s Doing?”
    4/20/11   Tom Kelly, “The Riot at the Rite: The Disastrous Premiere of the Rite of Spring”

  • 9/16/09 Michael Boudin, “How Judges (Really) Decide Cases”
    10/21/09 Jonathan Seelig, “The World Wide Web: From Cern to Twitter In Less Than 30 Years”
    11/18/09  Andrea Leers, “Reflections on Recent Courthouses In France and the US”
    12/16/09  Daniel Goldhagen, “Worse Than War: Genocide, Eliminationism, and the Ongoing Assault on Humanity”
    1/20/10  Samuel Plimpton, “Distressed Commercial Real Estate and Its Toxic Derivatives”
    2/17/10  Marion Dry, “Dreamin’ Town: Songs and Spirituals by African-American Composers Performance and Conversation”
    3/17/10  Bob Weinberg, “Origins of Humanity: It’s All In Our DNA”
    4/21/10  Robert Kuttner, “Barack Obama: Roosevelt or Hoover?”

  • 9/17/08  Robert Campbell, “Seeing Architecture”10/15/08  Robert Kuttner, “The Economic Crisis and the Election”
    11/19/08   Jarrett Barrios, “Burying the Melting Pot: Recipes from Cuba for Living in a Multiethnic America”
    12/17/08  Wendy Strothman, “Hidden in the Shadow of the Master” (Conversing with Art Historian, Ruth Butler, who published a book on the Forgotten Wives and Models of Monet, Cezanne, and Rodin.)
    1/21/09  Ted Landsmark, “The First Day - The Iconography of African American Leadership and the Realities of Urban Public Education”
    2/18/09  Chuck Collins, “The (Fascinating) Debate Over Taxing Inherited Wealth”
    3/18/09   Bonnie Costello, “Planets on Tables: Poetry, Still Life and the Turning World”
    4/22/09  J. Bryan Hehir, “From Hiroshima To Baghdad.  The Ethics of Modern War”    

  • 9/19/07  Marcia Angell, "The Massachusetts Health Plan: Can It Work?"         
    10/17/07  Henri Zerner, "The Louvre Controversy and the Museum Syndrome"
    11/14/07  Penelope Jencks, "Robert Frost in Granite: The Long Process"
    12/19/07  Ranganath Nayak, "Climate Change - Needed: A New Operating System for Planet Earth"
    1/16/08  Susan Linn, "The Corporate Takeover of Childhood: How It's Happening, Why It Matters, and What We Can Do About It" 
    2/20/08   Judith Wechsler, “Her New Film: ‘Monet's Water Lillies’ "
    3/19/08  Deborah Weisgall , "The Facts of Fiction" 
    4/23/08  Steven Pinker , "Language As A Window Into Human Nature"

  • 10/9/06 Renée Loth, "Are Human Rights Really Universal? The Plight Of Women In The Developing World"
    11/6/06 Tod Machover, "Musical Creativity For Experts And Everyone Else"
    12/4/06 Alfred Ajami, "Chance Discoveries Revisited: How To Develop Drugs On A Budget"
    l/8/07 Rosanna Warren, "Poetry: A Mystery Story"
    2/5/07 Jerold Kayden, "Whose Domain Is Eminent: Thoughts About Private Property And Government Land Takings"
    3/5/07 General Discussion, (Presenter Wendy Strothman was sick)
    4/2/07 Alan Lightman, "The Physicist As Novelist: Similarities And Differences In The Way That Scientists And Artists View The World"
    5/3/07 Jill Ker Conway, "What's Your Life Plot and Where Did It Come From"

  • 10/3/05 Owen Gingerich, "Dare A Scientist Believe in Design?"
    11/7/05 Robert Campbell, " ‘What can we do?’ asks a member of a prominent university's Board of Visitors. ‘The students and alumni hate all the buildings the architecture professors like and the architecture professors hate all the buildings the students and alumni like.’ "
    12/5/05 Gerald Holton, "The Glory and Self-Destruction of J. Robert Oppenheimer"
    l/9/06 Douglas Woodlock, "Picking--and Picking on--Judges"
    2/6/06 Robert Weinberg, "The Origins of Human Cancer: Myths and Realities"
    3/6/06 Carola Eisenberg, "Doctors and Torture"
    4/3/06 Sinclair Hitchings, "Boston's Great Opportunity"
    5/1/06 Margaret H. Marshall "Privileging Speech Above Judicial Impartiality: The First Amendment and Judicial Accountability"

  • 10/4/04 Christine Kondoleon, "A Walk through Games For The Gods: The Greek Athlete And The Olympic Spirit"
    11/1/04 Michael Boudin, "Unpublished Opinions and Other Judicial Misadventures"
    12/6/04 Jerold Kayden, "The Perils of Privately Owned Public Space: Lessons From New York City"
    l/3/05 David Ellis, "Retirement or Re--Tire--Ment"
    2/7/05 Bonnie Costello, "Reading Poetry in Times of Public Disturbance"
    3/7/05 Judith Wechsler, "Rachel of the Comédie-Française"
    4/4/05 Ellen Hume, "What is Happening to the American News Media?"
    5/2/05 Thomas Kelly, "Falling in Love with Don Giovanni"

  • 10/6/03 Steven Pinker, "The Blank Slate: The Modern Denial of Human Nature"
    11/3/03 Douglas Woodlock, "Should Jurors Make House Calls?"
    12/1/03 Donald Shambroom, "The World Trade Center Memorial Competition"
    l/5/04 Alfred Ajami, "Paracelsus and the Dosing Paradigm 500 Years Later"
    2/2/04 Marion Dry, "Lob des Hohen Verstands (In Praise of High Intellect): a salon performance of art songs by Beethoven, Brahms, Mahler, Satie, Bonds, Still and Ives
    3/1/04 Open Discussion, "Is the World Going America's Way?: An Examiner Conversation” with Nayak, Kuttner, and Hume presiding
    4/5/04 Open Discussion, "The Sense of Wonder and the Idea of God: An Examiner Conversation” with Pinker, Hiestand and Costello presiding
    5/3/04 James Carroll, "The Problem of Henry L. Stimson"

  • 10/7/02 Marcia Angell, "The Pharmaceutical Industry--How Innovative Is It?"
    11/4/02 Thomas Kelly, "Beethoven's Ninth Symphony: Then and Now" 12/2/02 Christopher Lydon, "The Old News, The New News, The Next News"
    l/6/03 Robert Reich, "Lessons From The Campaign Trail"
    2/3/03 Renee Loth, "Further Conversations in Media-land" 3/3/03 Christopher Lydon, "Songs of Praise with Christopher Lydon and Friends"
    4/7/03 James Miller, "Examined Lives: Philosophy and the Quest for Self-Knowledge"
    5/5/03 Robert Kuttner, "What Happened to American Liberalism?"

  • 10/1/01 David Maybury-Lewis, "Savagery in the Amazon: The Yanomami Affair"
    11/5/01 Robert Kuttner, "The Whole World is Watching"
    12/3/01 Owen Gingerich, “Why Make Fakes?"
    l/7/02 Bonnie Costello, "Writing as Drawing"
    2/4/02 Robert Weinberg, "How Genes and Genetics Reveal the Recent and the Ancient History of Humanity"
    3/4/02 Ranganath Nayak, "A Brief Life of Cape Cod"
    4/1/02 Robert Campbell, "Thoughts About Architecture and Cities"
    5/6/02 Ellen Hume, "The Naked Weatherlady, the 12-Year Hangover, and Vaclav Havel"

  • 10/2/00 Michael Boudin, "Monopoly and The New Technology"
    11/6/00 Carol Gilligan, "The Birth of Pleasure"
    12/4/00 Franklin Lindsay, "Is Moscow Set on Reassembling The Czarist/Soviet Empire And Can This Bring a Return To The Cold War" 1/8/01 Mai Cramer, "Confessions of a Blues Maven"
    2/5/01 Peter Davison, "Renewal" 3/19/01 General meeting because the 3/5/0l meeting was cancelled due to inclement weather
    4/2/01 Samuel Plimpton, "Value Investing In Global Property Markets or . . . Theft Around the World"
    5/7/01 Frederick Wiseman "Documenting Domestic Violence"


  • 10/4/99 Tim Johnson and Marcia Angell, "Medical Journalism and the Bottom Line"
    11/1/99 William McLennan, "Finding Religion"
    12/6/99 Donald Shambroom, "Marcel Duchamps and Leonardo da Vinci"
    1/10/00 All, "Taking Stock: A Conversation"
    2/7/00 Douglas Woodlock, "An Automaton Throwing Away the Keys"
    3/6/00 Judith Wechsler, "Making a Film About Jasper Johns"
    4/3/00 Fred Whipple, "My Conversion to Atheism"
    5/1/00 Robert Reich, "Politics of Prosperity"

  • 10/5/98 Alfred Ajami, "Chaos, Fuzzy Logic, and the Heart Sutra"
    11/2/98 Rescheduled
    12/7/98 Carola Eisenberg, "On the Other Side of the Couch"
    1/4/99 Marvin Minsky, "Resourcefulness"
    2/2/99 Fred Whipple, "Comments on Comets and on Heavenly Hazards"
    3/l/99 Robert Kuttner, "Family Reunions"
    4/5/99 Margaret Marshall, "Judicial Independence: John Adams as a South African Founding Father"
    5/3/99 James Carroll, "Catholic/Jewish Conflict"

  • 10/06/97 Christopher Lydon, “The Greatest Boston Artist of the 20th Century”
    11/03/97 Frederick Wiseman, “Public Housing”
    12/01/97 Gail Leftwich, “Leadership as a Transferable Commodity”
    1/05/98 Chet Pierce, “Astronauts and the Ghetto”
    2/02/98 Tony Earls, “Adolescence: Assets, Liabilities, and Serendipitous Citizenship”
    3/02/98 Robert Campbell, “Avocations or Hobbies”
    4/06/98 Maybury-Lewis, “Anthropological Relativism”
    5/04/98 Sissela Bok, “Can Happiness Be Measured?”

  • 10/07/96 Marcia Angell , “Science on Trial”
    11/04/96 Mary Ellen Avery, “A Personal Odyssey in Medical Discovery”
    12/02/96 Penelope Jencks, “Re-Inventing Eleanor”
    1/06/97 Emily Hiestand, “Landscape and Identity”
    2/03/97 Charles Terry, “On Writing Well Revisited”
    3/03/97 Owen Gingerich, “Memoir of a Seagoing Cowboy”
    4/07/97 Peter Davison, “Composing for the Breath”
    5/05/97 Leon Eisenberg, “Life Itself”

  • 10/02/95 Alfred Ajami, “Multi-Cultural Mathematics”
    11/06/95 Donald Shambroom, “New York-New Guinea: Primitive Art in the 21st Century”
    12/04/95 Sinclair Hitchings, “When Much Becomes Possible: Boston in the Nineties, Then and Now” 1/08/96 Cancelled due to Blizzard 2/05/96 Frederick Wiseman, “How I Make Documentary Films”
    3/04/96 James Carroll, “Joy to My Youth”
    4/01/96 Robert Weinberg, “Cancer Myths”
    5/06/96 Ranganath Nayak, “Ethical Dilemmas in Business”

  • 10/03/94 Peter Davison, “The Poem Across the Street”
    11/07/94 Douglas Woodlock, “Durable as the Frame of Human Society: The New Boston Federal Courthouse”
    12/05/94 Franklin Lindsay, “Chaos in Ukraine and Prospect for Recovery”
    1/06/95 Robert Kuttner, “Is Everything for Sale?”
    2/06/95 Fred Whipple, “Local News (Including Jupiter)”
    3/20/95 Gail Leftwich, “South Africa: More Than Mandela”
    04/03/95 Diana Eck, “Multi-Cultural, Multi-Religious America” 05/01/95 Timothy Johnson, “Medicine and Media, Including the Hundred Million Dollar Lunch”

  • 10/04/93 Emily Vermeule, “Jefferson and Homer”
    11/01/93 Marcia Angell, “Health Care Reform: Is it Really Here?” 12/06/93 Marvin Minsky, “The Emotion Machine”
    01/03/94 Paul Samuelson, “Me and Kennedy”
    02/07/94 Gerald Holton, “Love, Physics, and Other Passions” 03/07/94 Sissela Bok, “Entertainment Violence”
    04/04/94 Wendy Strothman, “Great Moments in Publishing”
    05/02/94 Lester Thurow, “The Conundrum of Falling American Wages”

  • 10/5/92 Fred Wiseman, “Near Death”
    11/2/92 Carola Eisenberg, “Psyching Out Your Psychiatrist” 12/7/92 James Carroll, “The Priest Next Door: Fragment of a Memoir” 1/4/93 Christopher Lydon, “Notes from the House of the Dead: Writing in Prison”
    2/1/93 Donald Shambroom, “Breughel, Bosch, and Me”
    3/1/93 Chester Pierce, “Racism” 4/5/93 Richard Eder, “Literature as Mangy Dog: It Follows, It Knows” 5/3/93 Spouse Night (no speaker)

  • 10/07/91 Ranganath Nayak, “Creating the High Performance Business”
    12/02/91 Diana Eck, “Changing Religious Demography of America”
    1/06/92 Robert Weinberg, “The Human Genome Project”
    2/03/92 Charles Terry, “Brushing up your Shakespeare: Hamlet or Lear”
    3/02/92 David Ellis, “Science: Education, Exploration and Learning”

  • 10/01/90 Alfred Ajami, “Examiner Notes and Other Fulminations” 11/05/90 Marvin Minsky, “Mind Your Head”
    12/03/90 Owen Gingerich, “Snails from the South Pacific: Molluscan Rarities Democratized”
    1/07/91 Marcia Angell, “Medical Research: A new Study Shows...”
    2/04/91 Gail Leftwich, “Half Empty or Half Full? A Report from the Front from Women in Politics in Massachusetts”
    3/04/91 Peter Davison, “The Fading Smile, Boston’s Annus Mirabilis”
    4/01/91 Charles Kindleberger, “The Market for Seafarers in Sail”

  • 10/02/89 Robert Reich, “The Four Parables of American Politics”
    11/06/89 Mary Ellen Avery, “Personal and Professional Frustration over deciding when to struggle and when to give up” 12/04/89 Alfred Ajami, “Confessions of a Lepidopterist as told to a Fly on the Wall of the Lepidopterists’ Office”
    1/08/90 Sinclair Hitchings, “An Art Collector’s Boston Adventures” 2/05/90 Lester Thurow, “Economic Endgames of the Second Millennium: Opening moves for the Third Millennium”
    3/05/90 Dan Wakefield, “Booze and the Muse: the mythology of alcohol and literature”
    4/02/90 Emily Vermeule, “Heads Up, and Mind the Liquor”
    5/07/90 Ellen Hume, “School for Scandal: Lessons for Politicians and the Press”

  • 10/03/88 Peter Davison, “Versions and Veils”
    11/07/88 Gerald Holton, “Hesitant Arrival of the Quantum in the US” 12/05/88 Diana Eck, “Challenge of Religious Diversity”
    1/09/89 Thomas Cabot, “Murder in the Vatican”
    2/06/89 Ranganath Nayak, “Breakthrough: Insights into Innovation”
    3/06/89 Carol Gilligan, “On the Recovery of Psyche”
    4/03/89 Charles Terry, “On Examining Friendship: C.E.W., Jr. to H.W.B.”
    5/01/89 Martha Minow, “Making all the Difference”

  • 10/05/87 Paul Freund, “Writing and Reading, the Constitution”
    11/02/87 Fred Whipple, “Encounters of the Worst Kind” 12/07/87 Felicia Kaplan, “Reaganoite-ring, or Allusion Worse Confounded”
    1/04/88 Alfred Ajami, “Assault On The Battery; A Chronicle of Invention”
    2/01/88 Peter Chermayeff, “Ring of Fire, a proposed aquarium for Osaka, Japan”
    3/07/88 James Carroll, “Nicaragua: a personal response”
    4/04/88 Frank Lindsay, “Revolution and the U.S. Intervention”
    5/02/88 Fred Wiseman, “I just make documentaries”

  • 10/6/86 Doris Kearns Goodwin, “The Art of Biography: the Fitzgeralds and the Kennedys” 11/3/86 Owen Gingerich, “Will the World End with a Bang or a Whimper?”
    12/1/86 Anne Wyman, “New Wind in Old Sails”
    1/5/87 Frank Coffin, “The Rocky Road to Ratification: the Massachusetts Pothole”
    2/2/87 Charles Stearns, “Time Out of Mind”
    3/2/87 Carl Scovel,” The King James, the Young Turks and the Next Bible”
    4/6/87 Carola Eisenberg, “Fear of AIDS: Perception and Reality” 5/4/87 Milton Katz, “The Rise and Fall of Collective Security in the Americas: The Road to Nicaragua”

  • 10/7/85 Lester Thurow, “Japan as a Time Bomb in the World Economy” 11/4/85 Florence Ladd, “Black Africans in the United States” 12/2/85 David Maybury-Lewis, “The attraction of opposites”
    1/6/86 Francis Lally, “The Slavic Pope”
    2/3/86 David Baltimore, “Viruses cause social disease”
    3/3/86 Allan Cormack, “An Odyssey of imaging”
    4/7/86 Dan Wakefield, “The importance of Place to a writer”
    5/5/86 Carroll Williams, “Musings on the origin and evolution of life”

1968 -1985

  • 10/1/84 Peter Gomes, “The Etiquette of Ethnicity”
    11/5/84 Emily Vermeule, “Dear Homer, What Really Happened at Troy?”
    12/3/84 Charles Terry, “The Business of Poetry”
    1/7/85 Mary Ellen Avery, “Premature infants: An Introduction to a New Group of Human Beings” 2/4/85 Sinclair Hitchings, “A Bag of Books for a Bevy of Bookies”
    3/4/85 Peter Davison, “The Art of Losing”
    4/1/85 Paul Bator, “Court and Castle in the Reign of King Ronald”
    5/6/85 Alfred Ajami, “Observations on the Carbuncle: An Astigmatic View of Gemology”

  • 10/3/83 Milton Katz, “Conventional Weapon Deterrents in Europe” 11/7/83 Carl Scovel, “Hiking and Other Nonsense”
    12/5/83 Rodney Armstrong, “Collecting Collectors”
    1/9/84 Paul Freund, “Going Off Gold”
    2/6/84 Marvin Minsky, “The Society of Mind”
    3/5/84 Robert Reich, “A Tale of Three Bailouts”
    4/2/84 Doris Kearns Goodwin, “Journey to Nicaragua and El Salvador”
    5/7/84 Owen Gingerich, “The Great Copernicus Chase; or, On Publishing or Perishing in the Renaissance”

  • 10/4/82 Gerald Holton, “Why Einstein chose the USA”
    11/1/82 Anne Wyman, “New wind for old sails”
    12/6/82 Frank Coffin, “Reverend Mr. Hale returns to The Examiner”
    1/3/83 Roy Lamson, ‘’Chaucer’s Yonge Folk”
    2/7/82 Paul Freund, “Informal discussion of Justice J. C. McReynolds”
    3/7/82 Carola Eisenberg, “Terror in El Salvador”
    4/4/83 Frank Lindsay, “Capabilities and limitations of arms verification” 5/2/83 Fred Whipple, “Cometary”

  • 10/5/81 Peter Davison, “One of the dangerous trades”
    11/2/81 Peter Chermayeff, “An amusement park”
    12/7/81 Felicia Kaplan, “Lingua fracas, or watch your language”
    1/4/82 Peter Gomes, “Britain in the eye of the beholder: Chaos and Continuity”
    2/1/82 Carola Eisenberg, “The difference between male and female MDs: Vive La Difference!” 3/1/82 Owen Gingerich, “The Galileo affair in contemporary perspective”
    4/5/82 Dan Wakefield, “Under the apple tree: ‘The Home Front’ in fiction”
    5/3/8 Carroll Williams, “Silk”

  • 10/6/80 Doris Kearns, “The modern president –imperial or impotent?” 11/3/80 Milton Katz, “The critical sector in foreign policy – the home front”
    12/1/80 Florence Ladd, “Words for Washington”
    1/5/81 David Baltimore, “Understanding and exploiting DNA”
    2/2/81 Thomas Cabot, “Philanthropy”
    3/2/81 Carl Scovel, “The King James, the young Turks, and the next Bible”
    4/6/81 Paul Samuelson, “What to do?”
    5/4/81 Emily Vermeule, “Greeks and barbarians at the symposium”

  • 10/1/79 Cancelled because of the Papal visit
    11/5/79 Charles Wyman, “Political endorsements”
    12/3/79 Carrol Williams, “Biological clocks”
    1/7/80 Glen Bowersock, “The glory that was Greece”
    2/4/80 Carl Scovel, “Wicked preachers”
    3/3/80 Charles Terry, “On writing well”
    4/7/80 Augustin Parker, “Indians on the law path”
    5/5/80 Bailey Aldrich, “The gentle art of defamation”

  • 10/78 Frank Coffin, “Some treasures from our liitle tin trunk” 11/78 Fred Whipple, “Do you feel alone?”
    12/78 Paul Brooks, “Yosemite: the seeing eye and the written word” 1/79 Henry Bragdon, “Woodrow and Jimmy: preparation, policy, performance”
    2/79 Franklin Lindsay, “Intelligence: the good and the bad”
    3/79 Augustus Loring, “Should we trust the trustees?”
    4/79 Rodney Armstrong, “Public records, public rights”
    5/79 Barney Frank, “The legislator’s credo: waste not, win not”

  • 10/3/77 Peter Davison, “Do poets grow up?”
    11/7/77 David McCord, “On the dedication of a theater”
    12/5/77 Charles Kindleberger, “Manias, bubbles, crashes, and panics”
    1/9/78 Carola Eisenberg, “College as an aphrodisiac, with some thoughts on higher education” 2/6/78 CANCELLED in the face of a storm
    3/6/78 Paul Bator, “The grammar of constitutional law”
    4/3/78 Charles Stearns, “Whither, whether, climate?”
    5/1/78 Howard Johnson, “The Museum of Fine Arts and its future”

  • 10/4/76 Paul Freund, “The right to be let alone”
    11/1/76 Peter Chermayeff, “Places for beasts: Some animals, buildings, and exhibits”
    12/6/76 Rollin Hadley, “Correspondence of a museum director”
    1/3/77 Emily Vermeule, “Lamia, some thoughts on ancient pets and petting”
    2/7/77 Charles Terry, “On teaching subversive literature”
    3/7/77 Roy Lamson, “Popular music of the 20’s”
    4/4/77 Felicia Kaplan, “Libelettres” 5/2/77 Sinclair Hitchings, “Whiskey in a wooden keg”

  • 10/6/75 Edwin Land, “The pursuit of insecurity”
    11/3/75 Carl Scovel, “An argument for the uselessness of religion” 12/1/75 Barney Frank, “A relatively honest man’s view of corruption” 1/5/76 Carrol Williams, “Sex and the single insect”
    2/2/6 Mason Hammond, “Thoughts on education”
    3/1/76 Bailey Aldrich, “A look at obscenity”
    4/5/76 Dan Wakefield, “Serial fiction from Dickens to daytime television”
    5/3/76 Milton Katz, “Government under law: Incidents real and imaginary – Hitler, James I, Abraham Lincoln”

  • 10/7/74 Franklin Lindsay, “The resistance movement in Yugoslavia during World War II”
    11/4/74 Fred Whipple, “The outlook”
    12/2/74 Gardner Cox, “Reflections” 1/6/75 Augustus Loring, “Des Barres revisited”
    2/5/75 Gerald Holton, “Sub-electrons”
    3/3/75 Rodney Armstrong, “A new look at an Old Girl”
    4/7/75 Paul Samuelson, “Recession: made in Washington”
    5/5/75 Henry Bragdon, “Slavery and the American Revolution”

  • 10/1/73 David McCord, “A Lembie in Limbo”
    11/5/73 Frank Coffin, “A continuing quest for principle”
    12/3/73 Charles Kindleberger, “1929 Revisited”
    1/7/74 Sinclair Hitchings, “London and Boston, 1775”
    2/4/74 Augustine Parker, “Boston’s new public library”
    3/474 Paul Bator, “Some polemical reflections on crime and punishment”
    4/1/74 Paul Brooks, “Embattled farmers”
    5/6/74 Thomas Cabot, “Better medical care at less cost”

  • 10/3/72 Paul Freund, “New parts and new starts”
    11/6/72 Howard Johnson, “The financial crisis in education revisited”
    12/4/72 Mason Hammond, “I Tatti and the American Academy in Rome”
    1/8/73 Carl Scovel, “When the Church revisited Hitler”
    2/5/73 Peter Davison, “Things half remembered”
    3/5/73 Roy Lamson, “The pack of Autolycus”
    4/2/73 Edward Logue, “Withdrawing now in order to jump higher the next time”
    5/7/73 Charles Wyzanski, “The Eve of St. Gisela: Holmes and Hand vs. Aldrich and Coffin”

  • 10/4/71 Bailey Aldrich, “Courtroom violence”
    11/1/71 Henry Bragdon, “Teaching: yesterday, today, and tomorrow”
    12/6/71 Paul White, “The emerging China of 1971”
    1/3/72 Fred Whipple, “On a clear night….”
    2/7/72 Paul Samuelson, “Gold”
    3/6/72 Francis Lally, “A once burning issue”
    4/3/72 Charles Stearns, “Plates” 5/1/72 Milton Katz, “Electric power and the environment: who decides and how?”

  • 10/5/70 Edwin Land, “Science, the humanity, the victim of the humanities”
    11/2/70 Paul White, “Sudden death”
    12/7/70 John Enders, “Viruses in hiding”
    1/4/71 Paul Brooks, “Rachel Carson and the Silent Spring”
    2/1/71 John Burchard, “Bernini is dead?”
    3/1/71 Thomas Cabot, “Reflections of an Isolaphile”
    4/5/71 Gardner Cox, “Post-object adt: Whence and Whither?”
    5/3/71 Gerald Holton, “On understanding scientific genius”

  • 10/6/69 Joseph Barth, “America’s real religion”
    11/3/69 Sinclair Hitchings, “Boston’s fragile renaissance”
    12/1/69 Frank Coffin, “Three blind mice, or see how they rub”
    1/4/70 Augustin Parker, “Concordia”
    2/2/70 Augustus Loring, “How not to get a television station”
    3/2/70 William Drury, Jr., “Conservation: Old and new”
    4/6/70 Franklin Lindsay, “Space photography”
    5/4/70 Mason Hammond, “The city in the ancient world”

  • 10/7/68 Charles Wyzanski, “Tu dis partout du mal de moi…”
    11/4/68 Paul Samuelson, “The new future of the new economics”
    12/2/68 Francis Lally, “The bitter pill”
    1/6/69 Charles Stearns, “The ages of man”
    2/3/69 Robert Manning, “Newspaper days”
    3/4/69 Paul Freund, “The right of privacy’
    4/5/69 Franklin Ford, “An Italian medal from a Minnesota campsite”

1900s - 1960s: A Sampling of Titles

  • 1/1960 “The Cigarette – Lung Cancer Dilemma“
    3/1960 “Demonstration of a Phrase of Donne“
    5/1960 “African Education and US Policy“
    4/1960 “Government Under Law and “Socialist Legality”
    11/1960 “The Intellectual versus the City: A Chapter in the History of American Thought“
    1/1961 “The Search for Personality“
    3/1961 “ What Machiavelli never Told“
    4/1961 “Homage to New England“
    5/1961 “The Election, the Image, and the Church“
    10/1961 “World Law and the United Nations“
    12/1961 “The Boston Trustee“
    1/1962 “The State of Music“
    4/1962 “Viruses and Cancer“
    5/1962 “Ancient Rome and Modern America: A Reconsideration“
    10/1962 “The Examiner Club Enters its 100th Year“
    12/1962 “Three Types of Hypothesis, or, How to Make a Scientific Revolution“
    1/1963 “The American Physician Abroad“
    2/1963 “The Two Kashmirs“ 3/1963 “A Biologist Takes a naïve Look at Man“
    4/1963 “The Huron Feast of the Dead“
    5/1963 “The Examiner Club“

    11/1963 “A reading of Poems from The Breaking of the Day“
    3/1964 “Light and Communications at the Visual Arts Center“
    4/1964 “The Six Eyes of Man“ 5/1964 “Through the Glass - Brightly“
    10/1964 “Kenyatta, Nyrere, and Paul Brooks “
    11/1964 “The two Vaticans“
    12/2/1964 “Hamlet’s Strange Business“ (Same month as next entry)
    12/7/1964 “The Assassination and the Press“
    1/1965 “Wart Hogs, Wildebeest and Charles E. Wyzanski, Jr. “
    3/1965 “After the Kindergarten, What? “
    4/1965 “One Takes Power With One Kind of Man; One Rules with Another”
    5/1965 “Hitler Enters History“

    10/1965 “Brownian Motion, White Noise, and the Dow Jones Stock Averages“
    11/1965 “Writing for Children“ 12/1965 “A Forward look at the New England Economy“
    10/1966 “Thoughts on the Training of Secondary School Teachers, Especially in Latin“
    12/1966 “Gull Behavior and Misbehavior“
    2/1967 “An Industrialist Looks at the Universities“
    3/1967 “Einstein, Mach, and the Fight Over the “Real World”
    5/1967 “Tales of Tension in Tokyo“
    11/1967 “In Search of Woodrow Wilson: Problems of a Biographer“

    12/1967 “The Urban Crisis: How Can We Face It? “
    1/1968 “Two Early Jesuits“
    3/1968 “How to Raze a City with a Sonnet“
    4/1968 “Scientific Results from the Space Program“

  • 1/1950 “Free Enterprise and the Welfare State“
    2/1950 “History of our Knowledge of the Heart and its Diseases“
    3/1950 “Land Use in Central America“
    4/1950 “Was There a Battle of Lexington? “
    5/1950 “Knocking Around Europe With a Color Camera“
    10/1950 “Psychology and Pre-natal Behavior“
    11/1950 “Adolescent Israel“
    1/1951 “Loyalty and the Law“
    2/1951 “What is Implied in the Airplane? “
    4/1951 “The Ideal Citizen“
    5/1951 “Congressional Immunity and Privileges“
    1/1952 “Cultural Relativism and Universal Values“
    2/1952 “Do We Have a Foreign Policy?“
    3/1952 “Unsuccessful Careers“ 4/1952 “Painting an Abstraction“
    5/1952 “A Cambridge Massachusetts University“
    11/1952 “Contributions to a History of the Examiner Club“
    12/1952 “The Smithsonian Institute: Its Place in the World“
    2/1954 “American Industry and the Good Life“
    3/1954 “The Boston Symphony Orchestra and Community Support“
    4/1954 “Higher Education and Current Confusion“
    10/1954 “Adventures in Cardiology“
    1/1953 “With the Boston Symphony in Europe“
    2/1953 “Dialogues of Whitehead“
    3/1953 “Wine and Wisdom“ 5/1953 “Progress and Problems in American Archeology“
    11/1953 “Architectural Trends in America“
    12/1953 “The New England Farmer“
    1/1954 “The Tribulations of the Northern Cotton and Rayon Industry”
    11/1954 “Time Out of Mind“ 12/1954 “Harvard College Faces the Future“
    1/1955 “Forestry in New England“ (?)
    1/1955 “The Gentle Art of Defamation“ (Repeated in 5/80?) 2/1955 “Reminiscences and Theories of Painting“
    3/1955 “Republicans and Sinners“
    5/1955 “The Composition of the New Testament“
    10/1955 “Adventures with Books“
    12/1955 “The Midwifery of Books“
    3/1956 “The Bulge and the Budget“
    4/1956 “When Wright was Wrong“
    10/1956 “Gods and Galaxies“ 11/1956 “The Growing and Selling of Apples“
    1/1957 “A Roving Eye in Moscow“
    2/1957 “Dostoyevsky vs. Dow Jones“
    5/1957 “Biochemical Heresies in an Atomic Age“
    1/1958 “The Atlantic Neptune and Collecting“
    11/1958 Extra Sensory Perception“
    1/1959 “An Ounce of Prevention“
    5/1959 “The Quest for Criminal Man“
    6/1959 “Illustrated Report on Africa“
    11/1959 “Recent Changes in the European Novel“
    12/1959 “Life History of a River“

  • 1/1940 “Labor Law Today“
    3/1940 “Computing the Age of the Universe“
    4/1940 “Pro BonoPublico“ 10/1940 “The Making of a Jesuit“
    11/1940 “America’s Leading Brains on Punch Cards“
    12/1940 “Art and Social Welfare“
    2/1941 “Technical Progress in Aviation“
    3/1941 “The Beaver Has Wings“
    5/1941 “The Lure of a Detective Story“
    10/1941 “Minutiae in Medicine: Viruses and Vitamins“
    11/1941 “Did Gutenberg Print the Gutenberg Bible? “
    12/1941 “Major Chords: Visits to the Bach Bethlehem Festivals“
    1/1942 “A Quiet Centennial – The Treaty of Nanking“
    2/1942 “What is Wrong With Propaganda? “
    4/1942 “Mexican Stars and Politics“
    5/1942 “Law in a Democracy“ 1/1943 “Adventures in Light and Color“
    2/1943 “Two Hundred Billions of National Debt“
    3/1943 “Nine Young Men“
    4/1943 “Earthquakes and Flowers“
    5/1943 “The Fun and Artfulness of Painting“
    10/1943 “The New Chemo-therapy“
    11/1943 “The Psychology of Genius“
    12/1943 “ The Newspaper Columnist“
    1/1944 “The Detective Among the Pictures“
    2/1944 “Aeronautical Research“
    4/1944 “What Have We Done With the Past? “
    5/1944 “Mysterious Islands“ 12/44 “How Canada is Paying for Her War“
    1/1945 “The Number Pool Racket“
    3/1945 “Between Wars“
    5/1945 “War-time Paris, 1945“
    10/1945 “Political and Economic Issues“
    11/1945 “The Reparations Problem“
    12/1945 “An Adventure in Advertising“
    1/1946 “Russian Vignettes“ 2/1946 “A Government of Laws, Not Men“
    3/1946 “Pearl Harbor versus Washington“
    5/1946 “Lord Keynes: the Most Influential Economist of the Time“
    11/1946 “A Pilgrimage of Goodwill“
    12/1946 “Why is an Archeologist? “
    1/1947 “Civilization, Cleanliness, Climate, and Syphilis“ 2/1947 “Woodrow Wilson in ‘47“
    4/1947 “Palestine“
    10/1947 “A Side-line View of the Taft-Hartley Bill“
    11/1947 “What Goes On in the Painter’s Mind“
    12/1947 “Some Impressions of Europe Today“
    1/1948 “The Old Testament“ 2/1948 “Art and Revolution“ 3/1948 “Some Statues of Boston“
    4/1948 “How do you Read? “ 5/1948 “Crime“
    10/1948 “Britain Revisited“
    11/1948 “Immigrants’ Boston: Vattemare to DiFerrari“
    12/46 “Goings on in the Planet“
    2/1949 “Personal Impressions of Economic Recovery in Europe“ 3/1948 “The Right of The People to Know“
    1/1949 “Eastern Impressions of the West“
    4/1949 “The Work of a Trust Company“
    5/1949 “The Tribulations of the M.T. A. “
    10/1949 “The First Fifty Years of Symphony Hall“
    11/1949 “Reminiscences of an Archeologist“
    12/1949 “The National Science Foundation“

  • 1/1935 “Notes for a Biography of John Jay Chapman“
    3/1935 “Some Thoughts About Modern Art“
    5/1935 “Managed Currency“
    10/1935 “Court Reform“
    11/1935 “A Crisis in Architecture“
    2/1936 “Working for the national Resources Committee“ 3/1936 “Methods of Mass Murder“
    4/1936 “Personal Traits of William James“
    10/1937 “New Books for Old: Micro-photography for Books“ 12/1937 “What is Theology Doing? “
    11/1938 “My experience with Secondary Education“
    12/1938 “The Common Herd“
    1/1939 “Painting of a Portrait“
    2/1939 “The Last Leaf“
    3/1939 “Million on Relief: Is this a Permanent Condition? “
    5/1939 “The Story of the Trinity Apse“
    11/1939 “What is Social Science? “

  • 12/1900 “The Men I have painted with” (with stereopticon) 1/1901 “The Single Tax”
    11/1901 “The Race Problem and its Possible Solution”
    12/1902 “Telepathy”
    4/1903 “In Bohemia”
    10/1903 “Radium”
    11/1903 “Pelagiarism”
    1/1904 “Mud Fuel (Peat Moss)”
    2/1904 “The Modern Hospital and Public Needs”
    11/1904 “Boston City Government”
    11/1905 “Andrew Carnegie”
    1/1906 “Early Life of Walt Whitman”
    2/1906 “The Real South”
    10/1906 “The Deadly Mosquito”
    10/1917 “Federal Bureau of Fisheries”
    11/1917 “The Possible Economic Effects of the War”
    12/1917 “War Deafness”
    1/1918 “The House of Commons”
    3/1918 “Pax Germanica”
    4/1918 “Italy and the Triple Alliance”
    11/1918 “Christianity and Pacifism”
    12/1918 “The Part that Medicine Played in the Present War“
    3/1919 “The Romance of Saturn’s Rings“
    1/1920 “The Treaty of Versailles“
    10/1920 “The Fuel Problem“
    9/1925 “Freedom of Thought and the Constitution“
    10/25 “New Governments of Europe“

The 19th Century: A Sampling of Titles

  • 2/1880 “The Comic”
    3/1880 “The Modern Use and Abuse of Credit”
    10/1880 “Idea and Accident” 12/1880 “Development of Thought in Boston during the Present Century”
    2/1881 “The Solid South”
    3/1881 “Influence of Emerson, Wordsworth, Carlyle, Brook Farm” 11/1881 “The Lyric or Dramatic Element of Life”
    1/1882 “The Telephone: the greatest novelty of the last decade though not the latest”
    11/1882 “Modern Socialists” 12/1882 “A Visit to the Crow Indians”

  • 1/1870 “Revelation”
    2/1870 “The Study of History”
    3/1870 “Education as a Process of Organization”
    5/1870 “Effects of Abolition on Slavery”
    10/1870 “Translations of the Bible”
    11/1870 “Standards for the Estimation of Men”
    12/1870 “The Flaw in our Town Democracies”
    2/1871 “Schools Considered as Obstacles to Education”
    10/1871 “The Siege of Paris” 11/1871 “Some Thoughts on Darwin”
    12/1871 “Glimpses at the Labor Question 60 Years Ago”
    5/1872 “The Genius and Influence of Emerson”
    11/1872 “Is the Pulpit Losing Power?”
    12/1872 “Some Drawbacks to the Prosperity of a People Because of the Pursuit of Wealth”
    2/1873 “The Abuse of Reading”
    3/1873 “The Government of Large Cities”
    4/1873 “Styles of Architecture and Critics and Theorists”
    5/1873 “The French Situation: The Fall of Thiers”
    10/1873 “Examination Results in English, Geography, and U.S. History of Applicants to the Institute of Technology”
    1/1874 “Women in Modern Society vs. Antiquity, Particularly as Affected by the Institution of Chivalry”
    2/1874 “An Interesting Person”
    4/1874 “Labouring and Loafing”
    12/1874 “The Tragic Element in Life and Literature”
    2/1875 “The American Notion of Government”
    3/1875 “Critique of Pessimism”
    4/1875 “Theories of the Constitution of Matter”
    5/1875 “The Protection of Majorities”
    10/1875 “Atomic Theory”
    11/1875 “Architecture as a Fine Art”
    12/1875 “Excesses of Political Power”
    12/1878 “Dress and Fashion”
    1/1879 “Fetichism”
    4/1879 “The Schoolmen”
    5/1879 “The Right Method of Teaching History”
    10/1879 “Dreams”

  • 12/1864 “Population”
    2/1865 “The Two Theories of Democratic Government”
    9/1865 “Fairy Tales”
    12/1865 “Reconstruction Through Education in the South”
    1/1867 “The Origin of Things”
    3/1867 “The Massachusetts Liquor Law”
    4/1867 “Methods of Education”
    5/1867 “The Defect of our Common School System”
    12/1868 “The Relations of Medical Science to Things Outside”
    1/1869 “The Clergy and Education”
    4/1869 “Catholicism”
    5/1869 “Irony”
    12/1869 “Free Trade”